Audience on Demand!

Today the Producers are off to Sheffield for the second instalment of our Film London, Creative England and Creative Skillset funded course Audience on Demand.

Big Society The Musical was chosen as one of a handful of new productions to receive an intensive fast track distribution mentorship with the aim of helping British films engage with audiences in new and exciting ways.

We’re really made up about this award as its great to receive industry support for a film which has, to date, been delivered solely through community collaboration and hard graft.

So… Today’s course sees us meeting with the teams from Sound It Out, Weekend and Borrowed Time hearing how they have tackled the changing landscape of film distribution and have moved outside the cinema to reach their audiences.

We will also be having a one2one session with the guys from FilmTiki, a professional film Marketing agency who work with big studios on how to get you guys, the audience, watching their films! We’re excited to have their input on things like our Silent Protest Gallery and our Regional Screenings model! Head to our website over the coming weeks to find out more about our plans!

Finally as part of this scheme were also lucky enough to get to spend time with the amazing Producer of Age of Stupid, Lizzie Gillett. Last week we chatted with her about all our ideas for the roll out of the film and she gave us some unique tips from her experience which includes hosting a global simultaneous zero carbon satellite premiere of their film which stars the late great Pete Posthlethwaite see more here

Exciting times guys and don’t forget – follow us on Twitter @BigSocietyFilm and on Facebook as we shall be sharing bite sized tips from the course for all you filmmakers out there!